Wednesday 6 February 2019

PLATFORM Vote candidates not party- Adaka

Chief Dr. Fidelis Adaka was the former Vice-President Nigerian Statistical Association, former Head of Department Field Operation Ministry of Economic Planning Delta State, Asaba. In this interview with Isoko Mirror he bares his mind on some salient issues concerning Uzere community, OML 30 CDB and 2019 general elections. 

Can we meet you sir? 

My name is Chief Dr. Fidelis E. Adaka (J) former Vice-president Nigerian Statistical Association (2012-2016), former HOD field Operation Ministry of Economic Planning Delta State, Asaba.

Uzere has enjoyed relative peace. What is the secret?

For the past 6 years, 2012 till date we have been peaceful because we got what we demanded for before 2012, from NPDC and Heritage the newcomer is trying its best. Although we are expecting more from them because from our own oil production we are not even enjoying 1 percent of our total contribution to the Nigeria economy. But half bread is better than none, so they say.

What we are getting now is what government in their own wisdom should have supported Heritage Oil Service Ltd to give to us. The reviewed GMOU which we did recently is still under serious controversy because the personnel sent to the OML 30 CDB Board by Isoko nation Pulled out of the Board.
It has no effect on Uzere as a community, we are trying to maintain our peace. In Uzere we believe strongly that it is only peace that can bring development. So we are praying that if government can create a Board for Isoko nation and open up OML 28 which under normal circumstances produce more than the current one, it will be okay by us. 

What is Uzere contributions in terms of oil production to the Nigeria economy?

Uzere is contributing 30,000 barrels of crude oil per day that is what we are told. But, those of us on ground are aware that we produced more than that. But even if we used that as a benchmark based on what is being given to us, you will see that 30,000 barrels and the current price of 46.26 dollars per barrel is enormous.

Production =30,000 barrels 
Cost per barrel =$46
Exchange Rate=#360
30,000 *46.26
One day=499,608,000
                                 30 days
12 months =1 year.    12
Production =30,000 barrels 
52 weeks high price $76.90
Production Cost per day
                        *           360
        Daily=        830,520,000
30 days=          249,560,000

12 months =1 years 298,987,200,000

We are not given 10 percent of the figures I have just quoted above not even 0.5 percent of the amount of barrels we are producing. But, we will get there one day by the special grace of God. 

Sir you said Uzere has not been given their fair share. What is the possible solution to the issue?

Well, the possible solution for me, as a Justice of Peace, I suggest we should go via dialogue. l also believe that we should draw government attention to what is happening. For instance, if government is aware that the immediate past chairman of OML 30 Board is from Urhobo land in Ughelli North local government area and Isoko nation is producing above 55 percent of the OML 30 Board. Why must we not enjoy the position of the chairmanship that was part of the negotiation? We all agreed that after Ughelli North, it should be the turn of Isoko to produce the chairman.

What led to Isoko nation not producing the chairman of OML 30?

The election or selection that was done to bring in the new CDB chairman was not democratic, it was super imposed and the Isoko people in OML 30 CDB were not pleased with the process and they pulled out of the CDB to protest their grievances. 

Now that they pulled out of the OML 30 CDB. What is the way forward and solution? 

Government in their own wisdom will always have the solution and way forward, the government knows that if they want peace to be maintained they should always know how to work out the solution that will give us peace in the OML 30 Board .
Isoko nation as a group has been calling for their own separate CDB Board. And if we are calling for our own separate CDB Board, the issue has many dimensions. For instance, a situation where Uzere sub-community are up to 9 and the pipelines pass through these sub-communities and Uzere in their wisdom says we are Uzere and didn't name his sub-communities while  other community in the OML 30 Board name their sub-communities. So, if we are given one person in terms of training and empowerment and the other communities who name their sub-communities in the CDB and some of the community have up to 9 to 20 respectively which are part of the area the pipelines pass through, you see that the injustice is clear.
It is either, we allow every community that have sub-communities that the pipelines passed through to benefit in terms of training and empowerment only then, we can have peace. This is exactly why we are not satisfied with that election that was conducted and the Isoko people protested by pulling out of the Board to the Government though, the government has not come with any solution yet, we are still expecting the government to do something about it looking, at our complaints.

Recently a group came out again that they did not pulled out of the OML 30.What is your reaction?

Among every 12 there is always a Judas one or two persons might have enjoyed something from them, they will always come out to say we are not in support of the pulling out. If you go and find out from the majority of the oil producing communities you will discover that some of the people who are saying we did not pull out are not oil producing communities rather are those whose pipelines passed through their communities. 

Recently there was a statement in a video by Hon. Leo Ogor that Isoko South has two Constituencies and Isoko North has two Constituencies that the Federal Constituency is the second Constituency Isoko North has. What is your take on that? 

You see, that Hon. Leo Ogor cannot prove that statement but as a statistician I believe in fact and figures as far I am concerned, Isoko South and North have a Federal Constituency together. And the Federal Constituency belongs to the two local governments. Then, in the State House of Assembly we Isoko South has two Constituency in Isoko and Isoko North has one Constituency.
The Federal Constituency which himself is enjoying more than 16 years.We have understanding for many years, he is doing his best by being vocal but the dividends is not coming to all of us. And we all agreed that the Federal Constituency should be rotative, the current Ovie of Enhwe HRM Anthony Onomuefe Efekodha enjoy it for 2 tenure of 4 years.
But, Hon. Leo Ogor hijacked it for 16 years giving peanuts to some people to propagate that he is very good and doing well. I believe he is overdue and he is sending wrong signals to outside world, the breast of a mother, one child cannot suck it even if they are twins, it cannot be given to only one child. In my own opinion we should allow Hon. Joel-Onowakpo Thomas Ewomazino to represent us for the next 4 years and if he performs we allow him to repeat the class for another 4 years. 

Sir some people believe in party politics and Hon. Joel-Onowakpo is not from the PDP. Is it going to be based on candidate or party?

That is a very dicey question. I know my people and I know myself we will look at the candidates based on face value, your credibility and what you have contributed to Isoko nation. 
Hon. Joel-Onowakpo as chairman in Isoko South for few months added value to that very system, as chairman DBIR he added value to it. As a coordinator of FIRS of Edo, Delta, River state respectively he added value to it. The evidence is there for us to see. He was able to erect structures in almost all the local government in the State. If given the mandate he will do well .If he didn't do well, we will ask him to come as we are asking Hon. Leo Ogor to come with his utterances. He should comeback he had made enough contributions. We thanked him. 

What is your message for the Isoko people during the general elections. 

They should vote candidates not party. 

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