Tuesday 8 October 2019

Adonte lauds Governor Okowa's educational policy direction

..... Appeals  for rehabilitation of rainstorm  damaged  classrooms.

By Emuji Magnus

In pursuance of good  governance,  every responsible government needs to genuinely focus in all  sectors of the economy  designed as strategic measures to improve the living conditions of the people  by impacting positively on their lives.

Of all the sectors  either health,  roads infrastructure,  commerce,  transportation,  sports and the rest, education sector is very critical in every society.  It plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic sustainability and development of the society.  There is no gainsaying the fact that education has plethora of multiplier effect on virtually other sectors of governance,  hence the string need for government at all levels to devise  more result oriented measures and approach towards giving the sector,  a face lift  it deserves.
To this end,  Delta  State Government under the leadership of Senator (Dr)   Ifeanyi  Okowa  articulated series of measures to put the sector in the pedestal of enviable growth.  His administration's achievements in the sector to  great extent is quite commendable and worthy of emulation even though it's performances in the roads,  job creation and health,  especially in the area of the  Contributory  Health Insurance Scheme  is unprecedented  and which template  other states May need to adopt in order to add value to their health sector  in tandem with the stronger Delta mantra of his administration.
Under his administration,  it is on records that several schools were given a face lift  with the renovation of class room blocks,  knowing fully well that  globally,  every developed society is largely depended on the level of its educational  growth and development.
Conscious of the fact that education sector in the state require qualified teaching professionals with a view to relaunch  the sector to its lost glory,  Governor Ifeanyi  Okowa  recently employed about 1000 teachers so as to bridge the gap that may have in one way or the other, inhibited  the expected results  in the sector  as the state is poised to continue to play a leading role in Nigeria  in virtually all spheres. This initiative is intended to ensure effective and efficient teaching and learning . In all ramifications,  Governor Ifeanyi  Okowa  appreciates the importance of investing in the education sector.
Another giant strides  his administration had recorded in the education sector is the approval for the establishment of 19 technical  colleges in each of the Local Government where non was existing which inadvertently,  adds much value to the quest for job creation and self reliance through skill acquisition.  The food thing about this initiative is that it would in turn serve as an antidote for employment  generation as well as the youths  becoming employers of labour,  thus assisting government to absorb the teeming youth who are job seekers.
However, Adonte  an agrarian  community in Aniocha  South  Local Government Area of Delta State is one of such rural communities that are begging for government's attention.  The two public schools : Adonte  Mixed  Secondary School and Aniga  Primary school,  obviously requires rehabilitation of their  decaying  structures such as the classroom blocks and provision of desks for conducive learning activities by the pupils and students of the schools.
Established in 1980 during the defunct Bendel  State,  Adonte Mixed Secondary School  and Aniga  Primary school are facing  numerous challenges  ranging from  shortage of teachers,  lack  of water, power supply,  science and computer equipment among others.  Owing to the fact that Adonte  is  a rural  community most of the teachers posted to the schools often time seek reposting  to cities.
The ugly trends has left the leaders of the community with no other options than to engage  Ad-hoc  teaching staff who they usually pay for services rendered.
Against this backdrop,  the community is appealing to the  state government to put  it in consideration when deploying  the teachers,  recently employed by transferring at least minimum of fifteen teachers in relevant subjects  to the schools in Adonte  community in order to boost learning and teaching activities in the area.
Recently,  the roofs  of twelve (12) classroom blocks were damaged by rainstorm.  In view of the foregoing,  the community is appealing to the state government to come to its aid by renovating the destroyed facilities so that  their children could carry out their learning in a conducive and befitting environment.
Adonte  community had been engaged in aged long community development approach.  The community leverages on the opportunity of development partners to impact on its people.  For instance,  the leadership of Adonte  community,   a couple of years ago keyed into the Community -driven  development  initiative of the World  Bank/European Union  and Delta State Government  through which the community was able to implement it's choice project which is the earth grading of their old road, linking Ogwuashi -Uku.
The President -General of Adonte  Development  Union,  worldwide,  Mr.  Joseph  Ifeanyi Okonmah  and the Secretary -General,  Mr.  Presley  Uzoamaka  underscored the importance of education to the state and nation building and the community in particular.  The duo explained that their people who  were predominantly  farmers passionately  appraise the value of education , thus the need  for them to leave an enduring legacy for the present and future generations of their children  by ensuring  that their children accessed quality and sound education.
While commending  the State  Governor,  Senator (Dr)  Ifeanyi  Okowa  for the unprecedented socio-economic and infrastructural development across the state , the President -General and Secretary of Adonte Development Union,  Mr. Joseph  Ifeanyi  Okonmah  and Mr . Presley Uzoamaka  respectively congratulated  the Governor for the tribunal's affirmation of his election victory.  They described it as a true reflection of the wish of Deltans,  irrespective of political affiliations to join hands with Governor Okowa  to build a greater Delta.
Mr.  Ifeanyi Okonmah and  Presley  Uzoamaka  particularly  stated that since the rainstorm rendered  havoc  on the roofs of 12 classrooms in the community,  effective teaching and learning had been stalked, adding that the state government should expedite actions towards ameliorating the sufferings of their children go through as a result of the unfortunate natural disaster.
They lauded the policy  direction of the state government in the education sector, saying  that  in no distant time,  Delta would continue to be  a reference point to other states, even as they commended the State  Commissioner for Basic and Secondary  Education,  Chief  Patrick Ukah  for his dogged approach towards taking the education sector to enviable heights.
Speaking to journalists,  the President -General of Adonte Development  Union,  Asaba  branch, Mr. Godwin Adigwe  and Secretary , Mr.  Perry Nzeagwu,   said that the community was in dire  need of government presence,  adding that  most of the structures and infrastructure were in their schools  were aging, just as they decried lack of a functional science laboratory in the institutions. They said that they require 200 chairs and tables in their schools.
On his part,  the Programme Director of the Ambassadors for Development and Aids  Initiative, Mr.  Chuks  Okpunor  identified lack of commitment among teachers of nowadays  to their responsibility of moulding characters and future leaders,  absence of  remuneration and incentives for hardworking  workforce among them by the government as factors militating against the sector over time  and called for a reorientation among them for the overall well being of the society especially the grassroots populace. Mr.  Okpunor,  who called for all stakeholders in the sector to be proactive and contribute their quota to enhancing the growth the sector,not only for the state  but the country at large in line with the international best practices  , appealed to  Governor Ifeanyi  Okowa to draft more science teachers to Adonte  community.
Mr.  Okpunor  also called on the state government to assist the community with the provision of staff quarters and provide infrastructure  like power /electricity supply,  pipe borne water  and other basic  amenities in order to make the schools attractive for teachers to stay. He urged the teachers to consider the future of the society and show more commitments to their career.
While emphasising that the teachers should see  it as  a thing of joy to impact on the children through the right teachings which would translate into a better society, devoid of violence and crimes,  the Ambassadors for Development and Aids Initiative  Programme  Director, called on good  spirited individuals,  corporate bodies and financial organizations to invest in the education sector and to come to Adonte  community.
Speaking further,  the Ambassadors for  Development and Aids Initiative  Programme  Director  maintained that the organization was a non - governmental  organisation that works in synergy with institutions and development partners to promote the socio -economic well being of the citizens through Special Intervention in the Agro -Business Investment  Scheme.  Mr.  Okpunor,  who applauded the job and wealth creation programme of the Okowa  administration, stressed that the organization's objective intertwines with the SMART agenda of the state government.
''Our project is in line with the government social investment interventions and wealth creation for prospective beneficiaries (farmers)  in the  Agro -business sector with specific feature of 95 percent funding by financial partners with 9 percent interest  per annum.  The project is designed to eliminate all economic risks to the beneficiaries (farmers)   funding partners and the anchor firm (buyers), generate income and maximize profit '' , Mr. Okpunor  stated.
Mr.  Okpunor,  who also hails from Adonte  community appealed o the State  Commissioner for Water Resources Development,  Rt. Hon. Martin Okonta,  to incorporate his community's request for the provision of  standard boreholes in the  community  in the 2020 ministry's  budget  to cushion the effects of the rigours their people go through in search of clean water  as their only source of water  which is  stream  in where  they trek 5km to get water.
The students and pupils were not left out as they also lent their voices,  calling on the state government to  intervene in their school.  According to master  Chigozie  Okonmah  , a primary six  pupil of the  Aniga Primary  School,  Adonte  said they need government to carry out the repairs of their schools.
Governor Ifeanyi is a pragmatic and focused leader  with the interest of  Deltans at heart  and who is not only aware of the place of prioritising  education in  any governance  and the burning desire to provide a conducive environment for teaching and learning,  but would as part of his policy direction,  ensure that every part of the state  gets its fair share and who knows  the turn of Adonte  might be imminent.

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