Wednesday 22 March 2017

Powerlee sets to fight Steel flex May 27 in USA.

By: Simeon Okworide.
The pro wrestling Africa heavy weight champion, Mr. Godspower Ikpide popularly called Powerlee De Great is set to fight steel flex of insane wrestling alliance (IWA) of USA in an elimination championship contest approved by allied independent wrestling federation (AIWF) on the 27th of May 2017 at Florida in United States of America (USA) while the final will hold in any part of the world in September or October.
In preparation for the championship elimination contest, powerlee De Great will be travelling to Alabama in USA to commence training as all facilities needed for His training are all available there to enable him fit for the championship elimination contest before proceeding to Florida where he hoped to defeat Steel flex to qualify for the final which will hold aroumd September or October. The training exercise will last for six weeks.
While speaking to journalists in Lagos recently, Power lee stressed the importance of the championship contest and why he is travelling early to America for the training, looking at the fact that all the training facilities needed are available in Alabama which will enhance his performances at the contest.

“For your information, I am travelling to Alabama on the 6th of April and commence training on the 11th of April 2017 which will last for about 6 weeks to enable me fit for the championship elimination contest before proceeding for Florida for the main contest where I hope to defeat Steel flex to qualify for the final by the Grace of God” he said.
Powerlee De Great

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