Saturday 18 March 2017

No Fear of God, Greed and Selfishness Bane of Isoko
Underdevelopment says Etugbo
Pastor Peter Etugbo is from Olomoro Kingdom in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, but reside in Port Harcourt, River State.  He is a man who have been in the lord’s vineyard in the last fifteen years preaching the good news.
In this interview with Isoko Mirror, he reasoned why genuine servants of God should go into politics and other salient issues.
Please Sir, introduce yourself.
            I am Pastor Peter Etugbo. Am from Olomoro town in Isoko South Local Government of Delta State. I have been pastoring in National Apostolic Church, Portharcourt district, but now with Care- Giving Assembly, which the Lord by his grace entrusted into my care since the beginning of this year 2017.  
How long have you been God’s minister?
I have been a minister in Lord’s vineyard for fifteen years now.
What is the difference between National Apostolic Church and Christ Apostolic Church?
The Church of God is the same everywhere. It is geared towards one goal, and that’s how to prepare people for Gods Kingdom. However, there may be doctrinal differences among the various denominations.
Why did you start your own Church?
No one on this earth owns a church. Jesus Christ is the owner of the Church. Nevertheless, Jesus have given various ministries to various ministers of the gospel to edify the Church till his second coming. But to get you right with your question, I started Care – Giving Assembly as a ministry strictly on Gods call. Care –Giving Assembly is born on the Alter of Gods revelations to me. Care –Giving is the ministry of caring for the less privilege and others using a word of God as instrument.
Should servants of God go into politics?
It has often been said that man is a political animal. That means, in one way or the other every man, man of God inclusive, is a politician. And so, in my opinion, genuine servants of God should go into politics if they so desired. I say this because if we continue to allow the present day caliber of politicians who have no fear of God in their hearts, and without human sympathy to continue to hold sway of our political arena, then Nigerians are in serious trouble.
One thing of note is that when genuine servants of God go into politics, it will help sanitize the rotten system in place and this will also help to obtain good governance with the fear of God and service to humanity.
Who is a leader?
I see a leader as someone who is in a position of authority who carry along those who are in his sphere of influence. Someone who does not see himself or herself as a boss but an encourager. Someone who is not greedy but of a generous and tender heart. Someone who’s love and care of people is amazingly inspiring.
Who can be called a man of God? And what are the attributes?
Anyone who has a call of God upon him, charged with certain divine responsibilities can be referred to as a man of God. Man of God is not self made but divinely made. The call of God upon him must be explicit. The attributes of a man of God includes: fear of God, Integrity, Faithfulness, Holiness, Honesty, Meekness, Self control and Truthfulness.
Will you support Nigeria to split?
I will say Yes or No. To me, Nigeria as a nation splitting is relative. One may like to ask: is it well with us as a nation? Are all the citizens doing well together? Is some section of the country taken advantage of other sections? And so to me it is the answer to these questions and other issues happening in the country that will inform my answer to your question.
What will you say are the factors militating against the development of Isoko Ethnic Nationality?
The number one and the main factor are greed, and selfishness. How do I mean? Take my community, Olomoro for instance. The election of a new president general for some time now is a big tussle. Why? The reason is greed and the urge to get rich quick. Why will various contenders even from the same quarter take one another to court without listening to voice of reasoning? It is all because of selfishness and this tendency is almost all over the land as an ethnic nation. Some years ago, Elder Peter Erebi was elected as president general of IDU, and came all out without form of greediness or selfishness with his hard earned money to develop Isoko nation. But was not supported by the people because of greediness. We are more interested in our personal purse than the development of the land. Another factor is that there is no fear of God in our heart.
What is the way forward?
To me, let’s do away with greed and selfishness that has ravaged the land negatively. Let the fear of God also possess us. Let’s embrace God and his word from the heart.
What is your advice to the people?

Same as above. Let’s turn to God. Thank you.               

Pastor Peter Etugbo


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