Saturday 22 July 2017

Sergent Akporero an exceptional Police Officer
By Debra Akudo
 Late Sergent Akporero

The remains of Late Sergent Endurance Akporero was laid to rest on Saturday 24th June 2017 at his home town Olomoro, Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State.
Born in 1967 to the family of Late Evangelist Paul O. Akporero and Late Comfort Esibere both of Olomoro Town, Isoko South, LGA, he had his primary school in Jesse town, Ethiope West LGA of then Bendel State and proceeded to Olomoro for his secondary education.
He joined the Nigerian police Force in the year 2002 and rose to the rank of sergent till his death on 12th May 2017 at the age of 50 years.
Late Sergent Akoporero's Children

Late Sergent Akporero Endurance served fervidly, committed and meritoriously both in God’s work and his career till his death. Even his colleagues and the station in Festac where he served till death said when Sgt Endurance was first transferred to the station he was posted as one of the officers to mine roadblock but he decline saying “I cannot be at a roadblock” I am not cut out for that I am in the police force because I love it”.
According to his pastor, Pastor Chike Obi who came from RCCG Lagos to pay his last respect to his church member in his account, Pastor Obi said he was amazed when some of his fellow officers spoke about him “This our colleague is a kind of different police officer, we have very few of his kind”.
Speaking further at the funeral service for Endurance, Pastor Obi said he met Sergent Akporero months before he died as he was newly transferred to the RCCG branch in Festac. Endurance was a meek, gentle and humble man, when he introduce himself as a police officer,
  my wife told him he was in a wrong profession. Endurance replied “there are still good police officers”. He was treasure of fountain (men group) of the church. He gave a proper financial account of everything he handled. Late Sergent Endurance is remembered for all his good deeds and for all the good things you have done led a good life, Pastor Chike Obi advice the guest.
 Olomoro community, Oleh branch, where Akporero was a member

In his admonition, Pastor Christopher Uba, Pastor of RCCG, Oleh-Irri Branch, Isoko South where Sergent Endurance worship when he visits immediate family, he said “it is not how long once lives that matters, but how well one makes use of the brief period of his/her existence on planet earth, not only
Pastor Chike Obi RCCG Pastor from Lagos advicing the guest

 for his selfish interest, but realizing and doing the best to fulfill God’s purpose in his life. Such as Late Sergent Endurance Akporero. Life is but transilate, death is inevitable, eternal life is certain and where we spend it is pertinent.
Sergent Endurance is survived by a wife, eight children, brothers, sisters and many relations.

The Akporeros at the burial 

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