Thursday 1 June 2017

GHANA’S HUSBAND SCARCITY: Ghanaian women protest
to demand release of prisoners

Women who live in Assin Fosu in the Center of Ghana made a plea to President Nana Akuffo-Addo for the release of prisoners from the region. The reason mentioned: to end their bachelor status by marrying them.
Some, during an interview on Adom News, revealed that the majority of them are single and are under pressure from their family. Indeed, their loved ones ask them to marry before the end of the year. This situation cannot be supported by the women concerned. According to the version of these women, they are often obliged to sleep with married men
Among them are single mothers who also revealed that the few men living in the region have fled their responsibilities because of the intense competition between women to find a spouse.
The only option for these women is to resort to President Akufo-Addo. They asked the Ghanaian head of state to release the prisoners so that they could marry them.
“Men are more numerous in prison than in our city so please release them for us. We will love to be with them and have a nice family together. We ask Nana Addo to forgive the prisoners in our area because our city is dying,” they pleaded.
Ghanaian women demand relase of prisoners
But the men of the city blame rather the women because they judge their approach unreasonable
“The women of our city are not reasonable in their approach; they are not serious, all they know how to do is spending our money and leave us. That’s why they need prisoners to get married, “said an angry man.

However, they denied the women who accuse them of not being responsible; adding that releasing the prisoners will increase the crime rate in the region.

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