Wednesday 5 June 2019

Disease Outbreak Looms in Isoko over Reckless Dumping of Refuse

The importance of living in a clean environment cannot be over emphasized, therefore inadequate waste management has constituted a major problem to our modern society because improper waste management has led to the outspread of various diseases and environmental hazard in many places.The health effects of toxic waste has become a major threat to man more than the diseases.

In view of the above, the refuse dumped by a waste management company at the Oviri -Olomoro road has become a major health threat to those passing through the place and especially those living in the area.

According  to an eye witness Mrs. Elizabeth Edohoe a Port-hacourt base who drove  through the Oviri-Olomoro road recently,sent a message to our editor asserting that,"there is an eyesore I witnessed on Sunday, May 12th on my way from Owhe via Ozoro and Oviri road to Olomoro,the road has become a dumping ground for all kind of refuse, noting that,what those refuse are doing there is uncalled for, it is very bad to the health of the two communities".
According to her, "they empty refuse on the roadside almost covering the road all in the name of there is a borrow pit there"
Mrs. Edohoe called on Isoko Mirror to bring out the issue to the notice of the public, Isoko South Local Government Council and health authority, noting that whoever that have the contract of dumping refuse on that road should stop.

Isoko Mirror visited the scene of the refuse dumped and also discovered that, the refuse dumped is almost covering the Oviri-Olomoro road and the odour that is coming from the place is unbearable,that if the needful is not done it will lead to outbreak of diseases in the area.

Findings also revealed that the borrow pit was approved by the local government council for a waste management company for dumping of refuse.
At the time of this report, rumour have it that the local government council are already planning to evacuate the refuse from the road and all efforts to reach out to the HOD Health Isoko South local government council on the issue  prove abortive .

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