Saturday 28 April 2018

IDU women's wing donated food items to Orphanage homes

Kelvin Ohoror 
The Isoko Development Union (IDU) Women's Wing ,the umbrella body and mouth piece of Isoko ethnic nationality has recently donated food items such as rice, noodles, yams, detergents, groundnut oil etc. to Aruka Peace Foundation International Orphanage Home and Gilgal Revolutionary Centre Orphanage Home respectively. 
Apart from the IDU Women's Wing Asaba branch who some time ago donated various items to orphanage homes and Mosquito Nets to Central Hospital Isoko South and North respectively and this newly elected excos led by Mrs. Felicia Suleiman who have reach out to the less privilege, the Amb.Caroline Usikpedo led former excos did nothing rather than to show rascality and lack of respect to constituted authority. 
Speaking during the event, the president of the IDU Women's Mrs. Felicia Suleiman said that, the idea of visiting orphanage homes is because we are mothers, we thought it wise to start with the less privilege children's in our society, noting that, they want to show the love mothers like them have for children. 

Mrs. Suleiman also said that, the future of tomorrow belong to the children's, noting that, if they don't lay good foundation for them what will become their future, among them the future leaders  of this country and future wife of president's and governor's. 
She however promise that, the exercise of visiting orphanage homes will be a continuous one, urging other mothers in our society not to put outside children who are orphans in the society. "Be a mother to them not only your biological children are your children stretched hand of towards them because you don't know what they will become tomorrow”
She also commended the effort of the founders of both Aruka Peace Foundation International Orphanage Homes and Gilgal Revolutionary Orphanage Homes, noting that, some founders of ministry don't even remember children's, but you people thought it wise not to allow this children's destiny to waste. 
Meanwhile the proprietress of Aruka Peace Foundation International Orphanage Home Rev.Mrs.Aruka Peace Agbaka said that, she so excited that this wonderful women's of IDU sent by God came to lift her hands, saying that, anytime they felt what are going to eat today, God is always there and from nowhere somebody will come and provide for them. 
She therefore enjoined other women's group to emulate the kind gesture of the IDU Women's Wing so that together they can put smiles on the faces of the children. 
On his part the Founder of Gilgal Revolutionary Centre, Prophet Great Abraham also said that, he is elated, that this kind of gesture is a relief to them. 
When asked what brought about the idea of setting up the orphanage home, he pointed out that, the idea is what the Lord commanded is not actually what I wanted to do, God spoke to me, this is what you must do. And God has been our strength, his grace is sufficient for us. 
Prophet Abraham also hinted that, the orphanage home has been facing numerous challenges especially in the area of their academics, presently you go to their classroom, the place is conducive  for them to learn, noting that, if they can see some people who can support in this aspect we will be very happy. 
He also said that, the children's of the orphanage home are doing well academically, that about 15 of them are in the higher institution of learning, saying that, the orphanage home has been getting support from individuals who are government, for instance, the governor's wife Dame Mrs. Okowa, she has been wonderful, each time she has something to do with the orphans, she always reach out to us, also the local government chairman Hon. Constantine Itiako Ikpokpo he has also been assisting us. 

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