Religious leaders have been advised to
desist from instilling fear into members of their congregations by
placing so much emphasis on the powers of ‘evil forces’ as against God’s
This charge was given by Prof. Remi
Sonaiya while delivering a lecture at the Harvest Fields Int. Annual
Making a Difference Leadership Seminar, recently.
In the lecture titled “The Christian
Faith, Africa Magic, Science and Development,” she lamented that many
pastors have turned their sermons to “story-telling sessions – how evil
forces attack people, but in the end those who come to them for
deliverance are freed from the oppression of the devil,” akin to what is
seen on Nollywood Movies.

Professor Remi Sonaiya
According to her, the kind of teachings
that go on in many churches these days will not lead the country to
development as they do not allow people to use their intellect to judge
all things, as commanded by the Bible.
Prof. Sonaiya cautioned the religious
leaders thus: “The generation of young Nigerians, upon whom we are
placing much hope for the future of our continent and our nation, must
not be socialised into a world devoid of logic and reason, of curiosity
and risk-taking, because that is the stuff that technological
advancements are built upon. They must believe that physical problems
have physical solutions, and bend their backs to the task of finally
bringing dignity to Africa, and Nigeria in particular, as they begin to
find ingenuous and innovative solutions to the problems which have
plagued us for ages.”
She queried the kind of God most present
day Christians believe in and said; “there is no doubt that what we
believe about God affects or, in fact, determines the way in which we
conduct ourselves in this world. Maybe looking at how we worship could
reveal our true response and attitude towards this God. What is our
worship like? Much time is spent in church and in prayer calling upon
God for blessings – “for me and my family.” And since He does not seem
to know how to keep His own people, we have to tell Him what to do,
especially with our enemies – they must fall down and die; the ground
should open its mouth and swallow them up.
“In many of our churches today, someone
who comes with a heart of contentment and tranquillity might feel out of
place, for it is almost a requirement that you be constantly hankering
after something; you are trying to “make it in life,” regardless of what
you already have! We must ask ourselves: Is that the God presented
to us in the Bible? Are we following the teachings of Jesus Christ who
said that He came to be an example to us, so that we would walk the way
He walked?”
Acknowledging the scripture that says
our fight is not against flesh and blood, but “against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of darkness in this world and
spiritual wickedness in high places,” she lamented that fear was keeping
people from living. She submitted that the issue was not about whether
evil exists or not, but what one chooses to believe as to who has the
power to control the affairs of men.
“Most of us live in an atmosphere of
fear, and the bottom line is that we cannot trust God to keep us – or
accept in faith and with joy whatever He allows to happen to us. We are
afraid of what people can do to us, and we make it our business to keep
ourselves safe, as best as we know how. We cannot relate freely and
honestly with one another, even in the church. People are afraid of the
pastors who may use the power of their anointing to curse them! The
light of the gospel does not seem to have had much success in dispelling
our darkness and renewing our minds,” she said.
The linguistics professor pointed out
that “the difference between us and the faithful Christians of old was
that they seemed to accept suffering as part of their calling; we do
not. And that is why we are so consumed with seeking blessings rather
than seeking to be found in Christ, and making always doing His pleasure
our greatest delight.”
She spoke further, “our traditional way of “being in the world” (for want of a better expression) is such that we are here as victims rather
than as agents. It is this victim rather than agent manner of being in
the world that we have here characterised as Africa Magic – and the
foundation upon which it is built is fear. The desperate,
me-and-my-family prayers said in several of our churches demonstrate
She argued that Christianity should have
a radically transformative effect on the lives of both individuals and
society as Jesus’ teachings represent the most revolutionary and
liberating body of ideas known to man: “He turns leaders into servants;
redefines what true riches are (a widow’s mite is of more worth than the
millions which a rich man contributes); and basically deals Self, that
great enemy of the human soul, the death blow. He thus liberates the
individual, now energised by divine love for God and fellow man by the
Holy Spirit’s power, to pursue the task of subduing the earth in a
manner that would be beneficial to humanity and bring glory to God,” she
Prof Sonaiya decried the level of
control some pastors have over their church members. Her words: “Many of
our pastors exercise so much control over us, demanding that we be in
church almost permanently, determining the number of days during which
we will fast, ordering us to carry out sometimes very mindless actions,
and not tolerating any dissenting opinion – because they are under the
anointing. They lord it over us and cow us into submission with their
anointing. Rudeness is acceptable under the anointing, and we are
expected to fear this anointing upon “men of God”, just the way we fear
the prowling powers of evil people. We are held captive – even in
Continuing, she said, “I believe that
the time has come for us in Africa to deliberately make a decision to
rid ourselves of our fears and begin to live and operate confidently in
the beautiful world which our God has created. Christians must be at the
forefront of the liberation of African minds from the fears which have
held us captive for millennia.
“Nigerian young people are incredibly
gifted and raring to go. May I please beg our churches and pastors not
to bog their minds down with stories that would strike fear in their
hearts and hinder them from performing optimally the huge task that is
ahead of them.”
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Professor Remi Sonaiya |
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