Friday 22 June 2018

View point

Isoko reps 2019: time to pass the baton
By Alex Ovie
Leadership at whatever level of life or human endeavor could be likened to a relay race with the baton being passed from one person to another person. Ordinarily, most people love to cling to position of leadership for as long as possible because of the benefits and privileges that come with it hence they find it difficult to pass the baton when they have significantly played their part.
Leo Ogor
Power to such people is like an aphrodisiac, it is always irresistible and enticing. History is replete with examples of African leaders clinging to power for decades. Some of these leaders will rather prefer to die hanging on to power than to hand it over to someone else. The likes of Late Gen. Sani Abacha of Nigeria, Muamar Gaddafi of Libya, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang Nguemena of Equatorial Guinea, Joseph Kabila of Democratic Republic of Congo and a host of others readily comes to mind.
Recall that former president Olusegun Obasanjo attempted to extend his tenure beyond the stipulated two terms but the then National Assembly scuttled the plan. It would be accurate to state that the aims of these leaders who gained their position through democratic process are not to enhance the welfare of the people but to consolidate their hold on power by subverting democracy.
While in positions of power, such leaders do not spare a thought for the impoverished rather they amass enormous wealth more than enough to take care of their great-grand children. Besides, extended duration in power often establishes corruption networks and inequality as some groups or zones are excluded from partaking in the leadership circle.
Effective leadership needs to be anchored on the reality of immortality. This is the conscious leadership that should be embraced at all levels. We have our roles to play in every position of leadership we find ourselves, and when the time comes for us to vacate the stage, we must do so with gracefulness and promptness. Under no circumstances should leadership be regarded as a right or a family property.
The imperative to pass the baton to a credible successor was clearly emphasized by foremost Indian industrialist and co-founder of Infosys, Narayana Murthy when he said, “When you run a part of the relay and pass on the baton, there is no sense of unfinished business in your mind. There is just the sense of having done your part to the best of your ability. That is it. The hope is to pass on the baton to somebody who will run faster and run a better marathon”.
Indeed, there is no gainsaying the fact that Rt. Hon. Leo Okuweh Ogor, incumbent member of the House of Representatives representing Isoko North/South Federal Constituency is known to be one of the highly respected federal lawmakers in the country today due to his valuable contributions to debates on the floor of the house. The minority leader of the House of Representatives has been representing Isoko North/South Federal Constituency of Delta State since 2003. Rt. Hon. Ogor commands enormous respect among his colleagues in the National Assembly on account of his outspokenness.
It is also a fact that Rt. Hon. Leo Ogor who hails from Isoko North will by the end of his present tenure have put 16 fruitful years of representation behind him. No doubt, Rt. Hon. Leo Ogor has done enough for Isoko people within the past 15 solid years and should be given some credit.
To be candid, the erudite lawmaker has fought his fight, he has run his race. He has the chance to leave behind a credible legacy if he decides to drop his rumoured re-election bid and bow out gracefully. Rt. Hon. Ogor has run his course and taken the ship of the Isoko Nation as far as he could. It is time to pass the baton. An accomplished leader must always be on the lookout for the next prospective relay runner. As it is often said, ‘Success without a successor is failure’.
Dale Burke, California based pastor and founder of Leverage Leadership captured it thus, “Nothing feels better than seeing a vision you helped to birth be passed on into the capable hands of others”. So many times, the vision, purpose or plan of God outlives a person, and in order to see it fulfilled, it must be successfully passed on to the next generation.
The import of this is that for a prolonged period of 16 years, Isoko South has faced exclusion when it comes to representation at the Federal House of Representatives. As a matter of fact, Isoko North has had a fair share. It is therefore politically expedient to balance the democratic equations in the upcoming 2019 National Assembly elections by conceding the House of Representatives slot to Isoko South.
Today, political leadership positions in most democracies in Africa including Nigeria are moving from being occupied by professional politicians and mediocres to technocrats, accomplished professionals and top rate executives in the private sector.
For instance, Delta State performing governor, Sen. Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa before venturing into politics had excelled as Medical Director of Victory Medical Centre, Igbanke. Same could be said of Benedict Ayade of Cross Rivers State, a Professor of Environmental Microbiology at the Delta State University Abraka, Sen. Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State, formerly MD/CEO of the National Oil and Chemical Marketing Company a subsidiary of SPDC before becoming a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2003. Ibikunle Amosun (FCA), Ogun State governor formerly served Principal partner of Ibikunle Amosun and Co (Chattered Accountants) in Lagos.
One of such leading professionals who has his entry into the political landscape of Delta State is Sir Othihiwa Oghogho Ayodele (FCA), an accomplished Accountant who currently serves as Partner and Head, financial services Industry Audit Group at KPMG Nigeria.
The consummate Accountant who is also the president of the Association of Reporting Accountants and Auditors in the Capital Market, a body that coordinates the activities of all accounting professionals and service providers in the Capital Market, is seeking to represent Isoko Federal Constituency come 2019 at the House of Representatives.
Without prejudice to the competence and legitimacy of other aspirants nursing the ambition to represent Isoko Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives, Sir Othihiwa Oghogho Ayodele has the capacity to offer quality representation not only to Isoko but to Delta State and therefore deserves the support of Isoko people.
Judging by his antecedents, it is evident that the Owodokpokpo-Igbide born politician is quite passionate about the Isoko course. His speech on May 19, 2018 at the PDP Secretariat Oleh and Otor-Igho where he formally declared his intention to run is borne solely of innate drive for emancipation of the Isoko nation and never a gimmick intended whatsoever to attract unnecessary attention.
Sir Othihiwa is a man prepared and willing to build upon the foundation that is been laid for us by our great leader, Rt. Hon. Leo Ogor. A man prepared to promote the birth of a new Isoko which will earn us local and international respect.
Sir Othihiwa stated during his declaration that Isoko Nation is too endowed with natural resources for it to be riddling in poverty. Therefore, if given the mandate to represent Isoko Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives, his leadership will be anchored on 5 cardinal programmes namely
  • Education and vocational skills development,
  • Constant agricultural programmes to improve the agricultural sector,
  • Sustainable human capital development and empowerment
  • Improved medical care and
  • Equitable and transparent execution of projects.
He is a dedicated and committed party man, an excellent team player, promise keeper and a thorough bred professional who has always been genuinely passionate about the plight of the Isoko people.
Therefore, for Isoko to be great again, it demands a progressive, vibrant, aggressive, innovative, visionary, intellectually sound and forward thinking representation which Sir Othihiwa Oghogho Ayodele is prepared and determined to give.
Alex Ovie, former Publicity Secretary, Isoko Development Union (2004-2006)

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