Monday 19 March 2018

Housemaid kills 5-year-old boy

It has been reported that one Ojiugo Ifechukwu Duru, an 11-year-old girl has been arrested for the death of a 5-year-old boy left in her care at a home in Okoloko street, Abule-Ado Shoba, Lagos state.
A report by LIB shows that Ojiugo Ifechukwu Duru allegedly strangled Chikamso after the child’s mother left her with him and his younger brother while she went to her place of business which was close by.
Chikamso and his family
Not long after the mother left home on Saturday, she was called to return home that there was an emergency, and when she returned, she found that her maid had killed her first child.
“It’s just that my house girl strangled my son, my first issue,” the grieving mother told LIB.
The woman, who is heavily pregnant with her third child, said the maid has now been arrested by the police.
She said: “For now, it’s not in my hand. She’s in custody already.  For now my husband is taking care of things. It’s now government case and not mine, so it’s not in my hands to decide what will happen and what will not happen.”
The father of the deceased resides in South Africa but reportedly returned as a result of his son’s death and is now following up with the Nigerian Police.
When the mother was asked what the maid’s motive for killing her child was, she replied: “No just reason, just that she’s angry. That was just it.”
Recounting what happened on Saturday, March 10, 2018, a source told LIB that Ojiugo beat Chikamso then tried to strangle him with a chain around his neck but he survived this. She then used a sharp curtain hook to stab the child on his p*nis and this led to his death.
The source said the maid then turned on the second son, a toddler, and began to beat him too. The boy, who is about 2 or 3, reportedly ran out of the house at this point and went to a neighbour’s. It was revealed that on a normal day, the child couldn’t open the door on his own, but out of desperation, he did.

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