Thursday 4 October 2018

GCC holds 2018 convention, celebrates golden jubilee as Emiaso takes over

  • Nigeria needs restructuring- Oterai

The Gospel church of Christ world wide has held their annual national convention and celebrated the church “Golden jubilee” anniversary where change of guard took place as Bishop Dr. Eniwoake James Oterai formally handed over to Bishop Dr.Eric U.Emiaso as the new acting presiding Bishop and head of mission in accordance to the GCC constitution at the church headquarters auditorium located at No 40 Dada Onijama crescent Awodi-Ora estate behind Julius Berger, Ajegunle Lagos state on the 11th, august 2018.
Prof. Arch Bishop Onibere formally present the new presiding Bishop and head of mission,Bishop Dr. Emiaso to the congregation with wild jubilation.
On the 9th of august 2018, the outgoing presiding Bishop and head of mission had addressed the press to inform the general public that he will officially hand over to Bishop Emiaso to formally mark his retirement and exit as the presiding Bishop and head of mission of GCC. He used the press briefing to nostalgically reflect on some of the church activities, stressing that God almighty has been faithful and guiding the church with testimonies of signs and wonders in the last 50 years, noting that some of the challenges that occurred during the period under review also strengthened and sharpened the church as a leading light which impacted lives and affected the society positively. Bishop Oterai, while briefing the press further, he noted that apart from regional conferences and development meetings, the church had always had her annunal convention to bring members across the world together as a family in an atmosphere of fellowship, unity of the spirit for future prospects, revival of members spiritual growth and soul’s development with focus to advance the unity of members and fortify their prayer life.
Out gone Presiding Bishop and head of Mission, Bishop Dr. Oterai offering prayer to the new presiding Bishop and head of mission,Bishop Dr. Emiaso while prof. Arch Bishop Onibere watched both of them
He used the medium to inform the gathering that GCC has 82 branches across Nigeria and one branch in Ghana with plans to further evangelize Europe, America and Asia, pointing out that the theme of this year convention “Total freedom” is strategic and unique because “we are celebrating 50 years of evangelizing the society to impact souls and make more disciples and honour some members who had faithfully and committedly distinguished themselves to the growth and development of the church and to successfully transit from one leadership to another in a very harmonious and peaceful transition” he noted.
On national issue, Bishop Oterai noted that it is the belief of the general public that the church should be the safe haven and last hope for the people, stressing that the church has compromised her purpose and failed the society in the face of the current social, economic and political menace, assuring the gathering that GCC has resolved to stand out to preach undiluted gospel to correct the menace at hand.
Bishop Oterai, while stressing further, he appealed to the federal government to restructure the country and be careful in handling the on-going war against corruption, it should be fought holistically without bias and government should sanitize the system and build a better society for the nation. He noted that Christians should stop lamenting, complaining and railing accusations instead they should join politics and participate fully in party politics with bible in their right hands and their hearts focus to fulfill God’s purpose for humanity, asking them to remain steadfast and trust in God for greater opportunity and chances that abound to make life meaningful and enjoyable in Jesus Christ “If we cannot run, we shall walk and if we cannot walk, we shall crawl to win the world for Christ”.
Prof. Arch Bishop Onibere, the spiritual father of the church anoint the new Bishop with Oil as the presiding Bishop and head of mission.
Meanwhile, in his valedictory speech, before officially handing over to, Bishop Eric U.Emiaso, Bishop Oterai had noted that today remain a landmark in the history of his life and in the annals of  GCC, stressing that God took the church through all the years he steered the boat of leadership of the mission with challenges yet without crisis, but with notable progress through help of the almighty God and everyone’s support. He said, it is his desire for the church to move to another level by establishing more branches, especially in the northern part of Nigeria as well as outside the shore of the country, stressing that the leadership and members of Gospel church of Christ must realize that GCC has evangelical mandate to enlarge God’s kingdom with aggressive evangelism.
While thanking everyone for their support during the period under review, Bishop Oterai also want such support be extended to the incoming administration to move the church forward.
“I want to thank everyone for given me the opportunity to serve you for the past 13 years, I enjoin all of you to continue in your loyalty, friendship to the incoming leader, Bishop Eric U.Emiaso and his team. Please love him, support him, cherish him and give your best for him to succeed. Therefore, let us embrace love as our new commandment that covers multitude of sins as love always fosters unity for rapid development, cheers, God bless you all and farewell” he said.
In his acceptance speech, the newly appointed presiding Bishop and head of mission, Bishop Dr. Eric U. Emiaso, noted that with humility and sense of decorum, he feel highly honoured and privilege to witness this epock making ceremony today.
Bishop Emiaso who was highly elated, used the medium, on behalf of his amiable wife, he thanked God almighty, the creator of heavens and earth for sparing his life and granting him the privilege to become the presiding Bishop and head of mission of this great church today, noting that in the book of John 3:30 “A man can received nothing, except it be given him from heaven” so to him be all the glory in Jesus name.
While thanking the national executive council of the church, including the all pastors and all members of GCC who deemed it fit and found him worthy to occupy this exalted position of the presiding Bishop and head of mission of this great church, he especially thanked the outgoing presiding Bishop and head of mission, Dr. EJ. Olerai and wife for the huge sacrifices they have personally made to keep the church together for the period they were on the saddle of GCC.
Bishop Emiaso assured his predecessor that his leadership shall build on the strong legacies, principles, policies and vision of the founding fathers of this great mission which are holiness, righteousness, soul winning and partnering with the Holy spirit which he (Oterai) upheld during his tenure in office, stressing that his labour shall not be in vain.
Speaking further, Bishop Emiaso observed that the expectations of all members of the church towards this new leadership is very high, inview of their moods.
“By the grace of God my administration shall not disappoint you. We shall fulfill the divine mandate that is obviously before us. All we need from you is constant prayers and cooperation” he noted.
Bishop Emiaso observed and reasoned that the unity of the church must be sacrosanct while defining unity as a function of environmental factor. Saying that, from that point, it is the responsibility of those in leadership positions to create the atmosphere for unity to thrive and promised to create the atmosphere for unity to thrive and promised to create that enabling environment for all members to work together as a united church irrespective of tribes, locations, positions and social status, warning that his administration will not condone anyone projecting discrimination or segregation, tribalism or nepotism in this church of GCC because the church shall preach and practice the gospel of oneness in all its ramifications, noting that the church is one entity in the body of Christ.
While calling on the youths to rise up and take their rightful place as the next generation of future leaders of GCC, they must contact the fire and run with it. In this same vein, he made a clarion call on the wonderful and level headed women of GCC, while describing women as the driving force of my serious minded church, their place in this new administration cannot be over emphasized, noting that any church that looks down on the women or locked them up in the kitchen is a retrogressive church and therefore reasoned that his administration shall encourage women empowerment because if you empower a woman, you have empowered a whole family while citing the example of Warri branch which commenced the programme this year.
Bishop Eric U. Emiaso also promised to strengthen all the various men fellowship to be more vibrant and extended his profound gratitude and appreciation to all GCC pastors nationwide who have been working very hard under very harsh and trying spiritual and economic conditions. “Kudos to all of you, I will like to assure you that your labour of love shall not be in vain. You are our foot soldiers and we will not take you for granted.”
“As you give your unflinching support, cooperation and loyalty to this new administration, be rest assured that the God of heaven will prosper us therefore, we, his servants will rise and builds this great church-Nehemiah 2:20. By the grace of God as we do that together, we shall move this church to the next level and also to our promised land in the name of the father, and of the son and the Holy Ghost. He used the medium to ask for forgiveness from anyone whom he may have offended knowingly or unknowingly while he equally also forgive those who may have offended him during the period under review.
Meanwhile in another development, the guest preacher and spiritual father of GCC, professor Arch Bishop Onibere had informed the congregation before preaching that his relationship with Bishop Oterai started way back since 1862 and the relationship has been very cordial with intimacy and inview of that, he noted that whenever any ceremony is taking place in the church, he has always been invited, therefore, it gladdened his heart to be part of this jubilee, convention and change of guard celebration.
Prof. Arch Bishop Onibere whose sermon was theme “WORKING IN OBIDIENCE” had narrated how God, the creator of heavens and earth tested Abraham, commanding him (Abraham) to take his son Isaac, the only son whom he so much love and cherish and go to the land of “Moriah” and offer him as sacrifice to him (GOD). He noted that Abraham having heard from God’s directly, he obeyed and followed God instruction accordingly, stressing that only those who belongs to God’s kingdom gets revelation from the kingdom, noting that his wish for every member of GCC is to make heaven by force by fire while illustrating the book of Mattew 11:12. He said one will always overcome the Devil’s temptation if you love God and listen to him carefully and his instructions. He observed that while the Devil tempts, God almighty test because the instruction to kill and use Isaac for the sacrifice was inconsistent with the promise God made to Abraham, having waited for many years for the covenant child to be born and noted that when men mock at you, God will raise you. He emphasized that a mystery cannot be explained but you have to accept the mystery until God reveals such mystery to you because what God cannot handle cannot happen, stressing that you love the things of the world more than God, it means you are an idolater.
He concluded by saying that one thing that need to be noted is that Abraham never informed his wife what God told him and so the wife did not know about Abraham purpose and destination when they set out to go to the land of “Moriah” and on getting very close to the place, Abraham asked his two servants who accompanied him to wait until he returns and even, when Isaac ask him about the ram for the sacrifice, “God will provide” He answered. This is to show that Abraham loves God and had faith in him.
Highlight of the ceremony include the awards given to some leaders and members of the church in recognition of their contribution to the growth and development of the church in the last 50years. The awards were bestowed on them to ginger them to do more for God.

Others who retired alongside with Bishop E. J. Oterai in accordance with the Gospel church of Christ worldwide constitution includes Bishop Agbor, Rev. Enegwero, Rev. Uduarighe and Rev. Abolo.

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