Monday 8 July 2019

Anti Christ brought solar calendar to change time, festival - Muslim cleric

says only Christianity, Islam will restore peace in Nigeria

Alhaji Abdulsalam Paxman Ekpuze is the country president of United Nations Positive Livelihood Awards Centre (UN-POLAC).
As an ambassador of peace, he runs a peace advocacy media programme which focuses on different religions, as part of his organization's efforts to make the world more peaceful.
In this interview with Elo Edremoda and Rita Ossai, he shares his thoughts on the similarities between Isoko historical practices and Islamic religion, the calls for local government autonomy and state of peace in Nigeria.

You have just concluded Eid el Fitr celebration. What is the purpose of the celebration?
Ramadan is the month of fasting which is the ninth month, because its greater than any other period in the year but when you are not informed how would you know? That's why the Quran lets us know what needs to be done.

You mentioned that there are similarities between old Isoko practices and Islamic religion. Can you tell us?
The fact is that the movement of the sun, moon and stars are what we use for timing purposes. The Sun is for daily calculations, while the moon is for monthly calculations. This is how God made it right from creation, even to the knowledge of the Isoko people, the Bible and the Quran.
The time and calculations which our forefathers were using are in agreement with the Bible and Quran but they have been changed by the solar calendar which was introduced by the Romans. Before the change, the Isoko people were using the sun and moon to live naturally.
I remember when my grandmother was still alive, each time that the new moon appears, she always made a prayer. Today, because of civilization, nobody knows the value of the sun, moon and stars, again.

Is there anything people, especially our young, can do to understand how these heavenly bodies work, like it was in the olden days?
I am passing information. These things have been there, but people are not interested in seeking knowledge. Even most of our old ones are going without transferring it (knowledge) to the young ones. Fortunately, we have the Bible and the Quran which have been in existence.
Most of the cultures in the Bible and Quran are also found in Isoko culture. For example, before the Bible and Quran came, Isoko people have been circumcising their children, so we had a perfect way of living in Isoko.
The Bible and the Quran agree that the Lunar Calendar which the Isoko people know is 12 months. Each month has its influence on human beings.
Even the Lunar Calendar has four months that are sacred naturally and nobody is supposed to go to war, but we have decided to violate the rules of God and that is why we are lacking peace.

Is there a clash between culture and religion?
No. God created the whole world and all cultures are to promote peace and harmony among people. The same thing goes for religion.
The Quran was sent down in the month of Ramadan and Christianity, Islam and Judaism have come to play in uniting people from different ethnic backgrounds. We should put our differences apart because that's the only way to attain peace, truth and justice. We must make sure that the sun, moon and stars are utilized so that we can get the maximum benefit like the Muslims have.
Abraham came 600 years before Moses was born. Judaism came 1,200 years before Christianity and Islam came last, about 570 years after Jesus Christ, so when prophet Mohammed was born there was Christianity.

Does it mean that a new month starts at the sight of a new moon?
Yes. It is the anti Christ that brought in solar calendar. According to Daniel 7: 8-25, one of his (anti Christ) major target is to change time and festival and we have been following it (calendar) like blind people.

Don't you think that the oil exploration and other human activities which have caused climate change have in a way affected the natural order of things?
No, the development is only proving nature because there is no development that is not found in nature. The moon and sun have been moving since God created it but we went for 12 hours timing. That is how we have disconnected ourselves from nature, then problems arise as we are having today.

How would you describe the level of peace in the past  four years of President Muhammadu Buhari's reign?
Nigeria has been defaced and the constitution has problems. Except corrected, Nigeria will keep on having problems.
When Nigeria started, it only had three regions and each were taking care of themselves and paying tax to the federal. There was progressive competition. Now, it is only to go to Abuja and collect money and not to contribute anything.
Tribalism has almost killed Nigerians, so the only thing that can help us is Christianity and Islam because both religions have cut through so many tribes.

What are your thoughts on local government autonomy?
If local governments are fighting so that they can get more allocations and manage same themselves and the state governments say 'no,' that they will collect the allocations and put it in their pockets, this will be transgressing on all people.
However, if the local government autonomy is approved, then government will realize that the allocations must go down to the grassroots, in terms of development. That is why it should be approved.

Do you think the available resources for the local governments are used judiciously?
There is no government that can do without taxation so they should think of investing. I have never seen a difficult people like our people. We should use our time wisely and its enough reason why we must make use of nature.

What message do you have for the president of Nigeria and also the state governor, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa on the comments of the new dispensation?
They have taken bigger responsibilities, so for every man who suffers injustice, it shall be on them. They should be able to recognize the rights of every Nigeria. The killing of human beings are getting out of control, so they should think about welfare of the citizens. If they do it, God will help them in their administration and they will be blessed by God and men.

Is there any other word you will like to encourage Nigerians with?
I want to urge everyone to get a copy of the Bible and Quran and read it.

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