Tuesday 2 May 2017

Ogbe Elites Club of Owhelogbo Holds Sensitization Seminar for Youths
 Theme: “Purpose Driven Youth”
By Kelvin Ohoror
In order for the youths to have a better future in the society Ogbe elites organized a sensitization seminar for Owhelogbo Youths” The Purpose Driven Youths” The seminar is designed to address unemployment issues, promote self empowerments among the Owhelogbo youths.
In his introductory speech the President of Ogbe Elites Club of Owehlogbo Mr. Thomas Akporowhe noted that “Ogbe Elites Club of Owhelogbo is a unique and united body of Elites youths of Owhelogbo who came together in the early 20’s for the purpose of promoting peace, unity, understanding and development of Owhelogbo. One of their cardinal aims and objectives is to encourage and promote social, economic, infrastructural development of Owhelogbo”.
Mr. Akporowhe also noted that, the club have in the past live up to expectations by providing scholarships to the best 3 graduating public schools up to JSS 3, and provision of notebooks and writing materials to all students of IGS, Owhelogbo.
 “Today we are organizing a seminar on the Purpose Driven Youth for the Owhelogbo Youths, because being a youth is about more than age. It is a roller coaster of emotions, with an unstable sense of self-esteem, insecurity, loneliness and disguised vulnerability.” He said
He reiterated that being a youth also carries endless possibilities, creativity, curiosity, energy, impatience and guts. Stressing that every youth has resources, skills, personality and experience that deserve to be discovered and nurtured and noted that we at Ogbe Elites Club of Owhelogbo believe in the enormous powers of the youths, also confident that when the youths are recognized for their qualities, then all of us can join hands to create a strong and better society together.
Meanwhile Comrade Felida Osede Essi, one of the seminar keynote speaker on skill acquisition and youth development said that, in tough times, the tough gets going. This is the time for the youth to be very creative and industrious, not only to survive but also to create employment, what Ogbe Elites Club of Owhelogbo is giving you today is preparing and equipping you with appropriate skill, that can be beneficial to you and other Isoko Youths. After today seminar you will be transformed into a creator of wealth and employment instead of seekers of job.
Comrade Essi maintained that skill acquisition and youths empowerment is expected to reverse the structural weakness and imbalances in the economy by providing strategic focus and direction and inculcating in the youths the right ethics, discipline, value, hardwork, honesty, respect and humility.

 “Everyone is blessed with a talent. It is at this type of gathering that your talents are discovered. So learn a trade or take interest in something you love doing, that way you become a wealth and job creator.” She said
Another speaker Mrs. Helen Okujeni who spoke on the Role of Parents in Youth Development said that, looking at the current trends in our urban and rural centres, parents have the biggest role in shaping the lives of the youths. The ways children are brought up certainly determine the way they behave when they grow up in the society.
Mrs. Okujeni also noted that, a major role of parents in the development of youths is attention. Parents hardly see and spend time with the youths to find out and discuss what their challenges and needs are. This has led to communication gap between youths and their parents.
”‘As parents we must be able to keep track of our youths, where they are per time, what they are doing, who their friends are. “I strongly believe that nobody else than the parents have the capacity and right to connect the youths as they transformed into adulthood”. She said
CSP Joseph Esegine who spoke on “The Ills of Cultism Among Youths” noted that the conquering desire of some individuals give rise to associations that are intimidating, brutal and violent in character. No doubt these associations are clogs in the wheels of societal development and prominent in national discourse. One of such movement in cult movement known as secret cult.
CSP Esegine stressed that, the quest for power and revenge, popularity and wealth is one of the major reasons a lot of youths join secret cult, that naturally people love power and people also wants to be famous and have opportunity to come close to rich and influential members and they benefit from such contact, and therefore urged Owhelogbo Youths to shun cultism to avoid imprisonment.

Members of Ogbe Elites Club of Owhelogbo includes; Thomas Akporowhe, Samson Ijeruh, Felix Idama, Jonathan Ugu, Greg Esume, Simon Enajedu, Dan Ezuzu, Sunny Governor, Bensolo Akelemor, Matthew Akpomie, Sunny Idoghor, Lewis Ebireri, Goodie Ruovarie, Edwin Ikpeba, Michael Enajedu, Solomon Ikpeba, Frank Erume, Jonah Idoghor, Sunday Idoroba, Theo Okpolua and Ben Okpolua.



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