Monday 15 May 2017

Using Water To Treat Illnesses
Living Water Maker
By Oreva oghene Obaro
It should be worth your salt knowing what living water or restructured water is. The terms were first formulated by Mr. Steinbergger an Austrian forester and naturalist. The German name for the water is “Urwaten” There is not word of this type in the English language,. It can however be translated to meaning the first water or the original water. He made his discoveries while working as a forest guard for the royal family. He went further to invent many appliances and apparatus that you natural or as he termed it implosive technology. 

Living Water Maker
I am a bit agape to find that what Mr. Steinbegger is referring to is found in the Niger delta area and termed by the Isokos as “Ame ibo”. This is the water that people of old used to drink and cook with in the farms. These however have been destroyed by the oil exploration taking place all over the region. This water is so healthy that it cures a lot of common ailment such arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, general body pains and aches, high blood pressure, cancer and a host of othersApart from the health benefits that are attributed to this water, it is a presently being used in farms and has completely eliminated the need for fertilizers. The produce from these farms where it has been used attest to better nutrient content, longer shelf life and a more healthy produce for human consumption when compared to produce grown with organic fertilizers. Fish farmers are also utilizing this water in the faster production of fish in man=made pond and holding tanks. The results though specie based and varying indicate better feed conversion of between 20 and 70%, increased growth rate where some attain bigger that table size in about 60% of the time when ordinary water is utilized and the quality and palatability of the end product is much better that those raised in ordinary or unstructured water. In the agriculture area, the water is a great bet for poultry and piggery farms. In all these animal related use of the water, there is a dramatic reduction or total elimination in the need for medications.
Glass of water

The versatility of restructured water does not however end there. In the automotive and air-conditioning area, advantages are being harvested in lowered downtime due to heat exchangers clogging for algae growth and reduced running temperature in machinery which leads to reduced maintenance costs. These and more advantages lie in the use of restructured water.

Given an economy that is striving to be self-sufficient in many an area especially the agricultural, it with respect that we can inform the general public that this technology is being produced here in Nigeria. There is no need for sourcing foreign exchange to purchase the equipment that can turn your ordinary pipe born water into living water. The equipment comes in two sizes one adapted for use in the home while the large farm version with a capacity of up to 50 liters a minute is also available for sale here in Nigeria. 

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