Tuesday 23 May 2017

The Ills of Cultism among Youths

Being a paper presented by CSP Joseph Esegine (Barr) On the occasion of the Seminar on “The Purpose Driven Youths” Organized by Ogbe Elites Club on 29th April, 2017 at Owhelogbo Town Hall, Delta State.

Society is made up of groups with different interest. The denominator of the interest is supposed to be the good of everyone. Sometimes operators of the system manifests a domineering character and arrogates to themselves power essentially to make people behave the way they ought not.
No man can stand alone; everyone needs his or her likes for the purpose of achieving set objectives- popular or unpopular.
The conquering desire of some individuals, give rise to associations that are intimidating, brutal and violent in character.  No doubt, these associations are clogs in the wheels of societal development and prominent in national discourse. One of such movement is cult movement also known as cultism or secret cult.
Cult is defined as a small group that is not part of a large and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous. It is a noun used to describe a cult, a religion sect that is considered extreme or false and typically follows a charismatic leader.
A secret cult can be define as an organization of which people come together to pledge their allegiance on oath and have a social bond of commitment and dedication for the good of the organization. They are also known as unlawful society under the Criminal Code Law.
Their activities are kept secret-thus the name “secret cult” and kept away from other members of the society or non-member of the group. Secret cults carry out their meeting when people are not aware of, especially during odd hours and far away from residences. This is cultism and someone who practices it is a cultist.
In 1952 a group of seven students from the university college of Ibadan formed the pyrates confraternity. They called themselves the magnificent seven. It was their observation that the university was dominated and populated by wealthy students associated with colonial powers. Those who were poor struggle in every manner to be accepted. Social life was based on tribalism. Membership of pyrates was open to male applicants. For twenty years, pyrates was the only confraternity on campus.
In 1960’s pyrates registered themselves as National Association of Sea Dogs (NAS) and the confraternity extended off campus. Another confraternity known as Buccaneer confraternity as Sea Lords.
The emergence of Buccaneer was as a result of leadership problem where some of the leaders wanted to hold onto power permanently.
In 1980’s-1990’s over three hundred higher institutions in the country have confraternity. These confraternity were either know as secret cult. Within the period mentioned above, there was national renouncement of cultism by Universities students as campuses were no longer safe haven for cultism. This led to migration of cultism into neighborhood and streets. Confraternity activities expanded dramatically into the society and engage in bloody struggle for supremacy. The largely innocuous ideal of founding fathers of the original pyrates confraternity, with emphasis on openness and non-violence, the later cult group operates in absolute secrecy which oath are sworn as well as on occasion deadly violence.
a)      Black Axe
Also known as New Black Movement of African. It emerged from university of Benin Edo state.
SymbolUpright axe with wide blade fix on a short handle.
Black Axe
It is known as National Association of Air Lords. It broke off from Black axe.
SymbolThe skull and cross bone
Also known as Eternal Fraternal order of region Consortium founded from
      University of Calabar.
Symbol- kkk
It is also known as the ventures of or De Norsemen Club of Nigeria
It is also known as brotherhood of the blood founded at Enugu State University of Science and Technology.
Other cults formed within the same time include – Second Son of Satan, Night Cadet Sonman, Mgba-Mgba Brothers, Theme of Edem, Executioners, Dreaded friends of friends, Eagles Club, Black scorpion, Red Sea Horse, Fraternity of Friends etc.
Also female cults came into existence in Nigeria Campuses. They include Black Brazier (Black Bra)
 Black Brazier
, Viqueens, Daughters of Jezebel and Damsel. Most of the female cults have the same symbols as the earlier cult according to the founder.

People join secrete cult for different reasons, some of the reason are as follows:-
(a).         Quest for Power and Revenge
Naturally people love power as power is ability to make someone do what he or she ought to do. The person who exercises the power is happy. Some people uses cult to settle difference of the past.
(b).         Popularity and Wealth
People want to be famous and have opportunity to come close to rich and influence members and they benefit from such contact.

1.       Distruption of academic
Institution with high cultism will always be closed down because of the frequent fight clashes, unrest and bloodshed. Authority of the school will have no choice than to close down the institutions for safety of lives and schools can be close for days, months and even years.
2.       Loss of Lives and Property
There is an adage that says when two elephant fights the grass suffers. When crises associated with cultism start, lives and property will be lost. Their activities are violent, merciless as they are high on drugs. When they fight with school authority, property may be destroyed or burnt.
3.       Fall in Education Standard
Frequent closure of school, damage to properties, loss of lives and other consequences associated with cultism leads to fall in standard of education. Experience teachers may want transfer to other schools where their safety is guarantee.
4.       Fear of Security or Insecurity
Student will be afraid because of the menace. They will not be focused for fear of harm. Movement may be restricted for fear of rape and assault. Some may stay away from school.
5.       Cultism is the seed that nurture violent crimes like Robbery, rape, Kidnapping, Burglary etc.
6.       Possibility if Imprisonment
In the course of cult movement, other actions forbidden by the laws of the land are taken. Perpetrators are chargeable, if convicted by court of competent jurisdiction, freedom is restricted and jail term may be enforced.
 Loss of Lives

1.       Discipline: is the application of self-restraint and control of one’s physical and bodily mind in line with society norms and expectations. Parent should discipline their children, monitor them, and visit them even in school. Parent should live exemplary live devoid of secret movement. Your child may want to behave like the parents.
2.       Public campaigns against cultism: School, Religious body, parents, student, government and non-Governmental Organization should wage Cultism through seminars, workshops and Talks. The danger associated with it should be preach everywhere.
3.       Stringent penalties for culprits: For example the Delta State Government has enacted a legislature to deal frontally with flaws hydra headed societal menace now known as the Delta State Anti-Terrorism, Cultism and Kidnapping Law which prescribe life imprisonment and no count bail until the matter is finally determined.
4.       Good parenting
5.       Engagement of youths in recreative and productive activities –sports, skills acquisition
6.       Provision of employment opportunities.

Cultism has done great damages to individuals, communities and countries. Environment that is devoid of violence engenders peace, harmony development and progress. Cultism is an enemy. The earlier it is dealt with the better for all of us.

Thank you for the audience and God bless

1 comment:

  1. Thank you too....... for building our hopes up......against cultism


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