Tuesday 23 May 2017

Peoples Parliament
Why air-conditioned buses is to replace the yellow commercial buses---Ambode
By Ridwan Adeniyi
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, who spoke at the May Day Rally held at the Agege Stadium to commemorate the 2017 Workers Day Celebration, said the Bus Reform Initiative, aimed at introducing over 5000 air-conditioned buses to replace the yellow commercial buses popularly known as (Danfo) would open new vista of opportunities, while also redefining the means of road transportation in the State.
The Governor assured that it would benefit all Lagosians on the long run he said: “If Lagos is to be globally competitive, we need to change the outlook of the way the city runs”. What is of paramount interest to this government is to make sure that every Lagosian has comfortable means of moving from one point to the other and promise there would be  no job losses.
Meanwhile, with the economic hardship of the present situation of the country and the hike of the BRT buses in Lagos state, this reporter went into town to seek the views of some Danfo drivers (yellow bus) and commuters.
They spoke their mind;
Madam Caroline Omudu, the Lagos state government is not supposed to phase out Danfos because that is not the solution we need now, many people are suffering out there, and this Danfos drivers are using this job to bring food to their family.
The BRT buses fee has being increase to 120 which is not supposed to be so, they are saying CHANGE and the country is confused even the Government themselves are also confused, we were hoping for positive change but  what we are seeing now is different, the country need prayer,
Madam Caroline Omudu
They don’t feel what we are feeling. We are the ones suffering it, people are dropping their children from school because there is no school fees, things are expensive, we can’t eat 2 square meals per day we are eating zero one zero, we need positive change. No light to listen to news, businesses are not moving
Mr. Shapilo Aguwas, yes I heard about the news but I don’t think it will be possible because to me I see it as a wasted effort because if I should take example from the former state governor, Raji Fashola who also made attempt to phase out Okada. Ever since then we did not see any positive change about that, they only bring another type of Okada and both Okada are operating, so how much more the commercial buses, I see it as a wasted effort because apart from that, Tinubu also try to do something similar. If i can remember when they  phase out yellow buses from Island, the government brought another buses but not yellow, so is still the same thing they are trying to do again.
They should stop putting old wine into new bottle and give it a new name because the changes they claim they made in Lagos island is still the same, just that they don’t use yellow buses again that is it.
Mr. Shapilo Aguwas
They also said they are giving out BRT buses, is it for free, or higher purchase how are they going to be paying the danfo drivers they want to employ? to be sincere the idea cannot work.
Mr Sulaiman Ganiyu, while the government have their own point of view, I support because Lagos state government want the people to enjoy free movement to their various places of work because this plan will help Lagos state to be well organized.
There won’t be jam-packed of buses on the major road anymore and this idea will help our business to grow in Lagos state because the holdup or go-slow will decrease which is always being cause by Danfors Drivers. If you see the way this Danfo driver drive recklessly on the road you will support the government, many of these Danfo drivers are animal how can they call a bus stop and they will drop you on the express road which is very risky am talking from experience, even these danfo drivers are the ones who always cause accident on the road, they even use these danfos to do one chance business because no one knows them.  So if they cancel the danfos all that will be reduced.
Mr S.O.C Okwegada, well to me, government is second to God, because anything decided by the government will surely being carried out. God is number one, government is number two, no one can see it the way the government is seeing it and no one knows how it will go. When the Government said they will Phase out danfos they already know how to manage it and it won’t affect the society and it is only God who can provide for the Danfo drivers because after God it is the Government. Thank you. 
Mr S.O.C Okwegada

Mrs. Doris Eteye, this news is a bad news because to me without Danfos in this Lagos we can’t move, Danfos are helping us, BRT does not cover everywhere and this Danfos are the one going every nooks and crannies.
Mrs. Doris Etey
What the government is trying to phase out is what is taking us to everywhere at the moment.  Even on the major road Danfos are helping us to get to our destination fast, each time I go to the BRT, I had always met a long queues and occasionally spend several hours without getting to my destination on time. Therefore they should allow the danfos to operate alongside with the BRT because the BRT does not work at times because the BRT goes on holidays.
Mrs Gladys Okworide, it is a bad policy just to create scarcity when there is none. When one moves round Lagos state, you begin to ask yourself, where are the BRTs the Government is talking about and the road networks are also very bad. I think the government should be thinking of policy of how to create jobs for the unemployed youths rather than taking away jobs created by them in the name of phasing out Danfos. The government should sit down and rethink about that policy and listen to the voice of the people and not to create more hardship for them.
Mrs Gladys Okworide

Mr. Gabriel Daniel, I do not support Lagos state government for their new idea because they cannot satisfy all the Danfo driver wants because many of this driver’s use this work to feed their families and sponsors their children school fees.
The policy will be too harsh and it will only cause more job losses because not only illiterate are drivers, now there are many graduates who have chosen driving as a profession because there is no employment, they use this work to carter for their family.

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