Monday 24 December 2018

PLATFORM I saw PDP working against PDP--Prophet Okobri

Prophet Armstrong A. Okobri is the General Superintendent of, The Love of Christ Christian Ministry, a. k. a, The Land of Power, old Ozoro/Oleh road, Okpaivie. 

In this interview with Isoko Mirror Regional Editor,Kelvin Ohoror, the cleric bares his mind on some salient  issues concerning 2019 general elections in Delta State and Isoko.

Can we meet you sir? 
I am prophet Armstrong A. Okobri,the General Superintendent, The Love of Christ Christian Ministry located at old Ozoro/Oleh Road, Okpaivie. I am a native of Uzere in Isoko South Local Government, Delta State. 

You said you want to talk about 2019 elections in Delta State and Isoko South. What did God revealed to you about Delta State gubernatorial election?

Before God will act on anything he will reveal it to his prophets, the deep and the secret things are revealed to prophets. And when it is revealed to us we don't listen to it, so, those who have ear let them hear. 

2019 general elections will be one of the greatest election and is going to be very tough from the presidency down to the House of Assembly. Here, in Delta State, I made it known to the press few months ago that governor Ifeanyi Okowa should put his house in order and I am still warning him to put his house in order and re-structure things. 

If he does that, he will win the gubernatorial election.Taking millions to men of God don't guarantee victory in an election. Winning an election is more than that, election process is from the Almighty God.

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa has a good spirit, anything he is involve he always succeed, that spirit of success is still following him. But there are people who are so close to him that want to pull him down, he should take note of this warning. He is thinking they love him, they don't, and that is exactly want happened to former President Goodluck Jonathan, he was thinking all is well. 

My advice for him is to work on the people in his party especially the leaders of the party (PDP) in Delta State. What I saw is that, most of them want to work against him.

What did God revealed to you about Isoko South Constituency 1?

I saw PDP losing Isoko Constituency 1 because there is division in the party in the realm of the spirit. The governor, the party leaders must act fast. If proper reconciliation is not done PDP will have serious problem in Isoko South. 

You know when I spoke to newsmen this year, I said a candidate from  Oleh is going to win the election in Constituency 1 but the chosen one was rejected, I saw that person they rejected having an appointment bigger than the House of Assembly. 

The election in Constituency 1 is going to be very tough, in Constituency 1 in the realm of the spirit the division is up to 5 factions in PDP and I saw PDP working against PDP and that will lead to APC winning the election. The carnal man don't understand spiritual things, if they don't act fast it will make APC have advantage over PDP. 

When I warned Hon. Erezi Esievo not to contest she felt I was talking trash, but she failed woefully. 

What about Isoko South Constituency 2?

Hon. Ferguson Onwo will win this time around. 

You said Hon. Joel Onowakpo will win. How do you know he will win? 

Hon. Joel Onowakpo this time around is not because he wants to contest, he is a child of necessity, he is destine to possess the House of Reps, 2019 is for him. Hon. Joel Onowakpo is going to have so much votes. In the realm of the spirit I saw PDP members working for him because God has destine him to win.

Your Prophesy concerning Hon. Erezi Esievo defeat came to past. What is your reaction? 

It is a pity for Hon. Erezi Esievo, I don't say things if I don't hear from God, what God has revealed must surely come to pass. She would have support another candidate during the primary election, because I saw a Federal appointment for her. But she has blown the opportunity away because she disobeyed God. God want her to support somebody for that promise to be fulfill, that sacrifice is for her to go higher.

What is your message for the Isoko people  and those in the vineyard of God?

Let me digress a little first, Isoko nation should pray because I saw bloodshed, crisis from now till December between two communities in Isoko. The two communities will fight and there will be so much bloodshed and massacre. 

For the question you asked, I am advising Christians to be more united and not to imitate the unbelievers because the unbelievers supposed to imitate us. 

Today, some of us doing the work of God are not emulating Jesus Christ, we want to do it the under way round. Today, Christians are forming different associations and these associations cannot function effectively without love, you see crisis in the associations, they form opposition against themselves. 

What is rampant among men of God today is false prophecy, lying because of their stomachs .

Offering and tithes is not for the pastor is for the Church but they divert it into cars and houses. What will make men of God to use the money for the church in building so many houses for themselves. The money is to feed the Sheep they are only acquiring wealth for themselves. They are imitating the world instead of the world imitating them. 

There is no founder of a Church, you can only be a shepherd. Jesus is the founder of the whole Church. If anyone is telling you is a founder of a Church is an anti -christ  because he has taken the position of Christ. 

Did God revealed those two communities to you? 

Yes, is Igbide and Okpolo/Enhwe,they will strike before the end of the year. 

 Is there anything they can do to avert this bloodshed? 

We need to pray and sue for peace. It is the word of God that will put an end to the crisis 

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