Wednesday 26 December 2018

Church of Christ Mission holds 2018 youth convention ---as Itveh Urges youths to be humbled

The church of Christ mission held its 2018 youth convention on glorious note on the 24th October 2018 at the church auditorium at Oleh, the headquarters of Isoko South Local Government area of Delta State.
The event started with a procession rally which moved round the town was led by Brother Ichakor John Olugo with singing, dancing, drumming and trumpeting and on their way back to the Church, they were warmly received by pastor M.C.A Edeni, the church resident pastor who ushered them into the truth temple main auditorium that was glamorously and beautifully decorated.
The general superintendent of the Church and former national President of the bible society of Nigeria Rev Dr M.M Itiveh, in his opening address, based on the theme of the convention “God will raise you to the next level 2nd Samuel 2:7, he  expressed satisfaction and Joy over the success of the program and gives glory to God Almighty to be alive today to witness this glamorous youths convention and to address them on the theme that is apt for the event, stressing that the youths of today are out for destruction and  rioting in the interest of some greedy politicians around the nation who had refused to put into consideration the plights and feelings of the masses in their heart. He noted that David in the bible did not select himself to be King and advise them not to select themselves to be promoted in the Church, family and in their community.
Dr Itiveh used the medium to seriously warned the youths to be humbled and honest, nothing that a dangerous person is the one who select himself for position and promotion in the society, stressing that pride is a satanic monster that is out to destroy your blessing, telling them to get rid of it from their lives without delay, (Prov 16:18) and advised them to humble themselves before God, just as God will promote them to the next level in Jesus name and they all chorused Amen.
Other notable inspired speakers who ministered during the convention includes: Pastor Edeni, Evang Mathew Onovughe and Bro. Ichakor Olugo just as the convention featured quiz competition, drama, special number, debate, bible opening and reading  and winners received prizes.

The convention ended with a thanksgiving with a general anointing of all the youths and other members of the church by Rev. Dr. Itiveh.  

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