Saturday 26 January 2019

A message from God to Nigeria

By Revd. Evang. P.O. Kagho-Omomadia JP
A message received on the 1st of May, 1997 at 10.00am while I was eating fresh corn while I was in Irri in Isoko South Local Government area, Delta State Nigeria, preparing to answer the call of God and the fulfillment of my calling into ministry.
I heard a little child singing the National Anthem and a word came to me to reverse the National Anthem as a result of the present attitudes of Nigerians. Though they sang the Anthem correctly like this
            “Arise O Compatriots,
            Nigeria`s call obey
            To serve our father`s land
            With love and strength and faith
            The labour of our heroes past,
            Shall never be in vain.
            To serve with hearth and might,
            One Nation bound in freedom
            Peace and unity”.

            “O God of creation,
            Direct our noble cause;
            Guide our leaders’ right
            Help our youths the truth to know
            In love and honesty to grow;
            And living just and true;
            Great lofty heights attain
            To build a Nation where
            Peace and Justice shall reign”.
            “I pledge to Nigeria my country,
            To be faithful loyal and honest,
            To serve Nigeria with all my strength           
            To defend her unity, and uphold her honour and glory;
            So help me God”.
The voice went on to say “But reverse in the case. The ambitions due to their evil heart and disobedience to God sing the Anthem this way to the Nation Nigeria of what will happen these years to come. The same voice I heard instructed me to sing the song like this
            “Don`t arise oh compatriot,
            Nigeria calls do not obey,
            Don` t serve your father`s land
            With love and strength and faith
            The labour of our heroes past,
            Must always be in vain.
            Don`t serve with heart and might,
            One Nation bound in slavery,
            Unrest and division”.
            “O God of creation
            Don`t direct our noble cause,
            Don`t guide our leaders right;
            Help our youth tell lies to know,
            In love and honesty to die.
            Living unjust without truth;
            Great destruction we have always signed
            To destroy this Nation where
            Cold war and injustice shall reign”.
            “I pledge to Nigeria my country
            To be unfaithful, disloyal and dishonest,
            I won`t serve Nigeria with all my strength
            Never to defend her unity, and uphold
            Her honour and glory again
            So help me Satan”.
Why? Because Nigerian love other countries more than their own country and will run there to hide. Why is this so? This is because they love to go to other countries that are already developed to hide themselves from the wrath of God upon the Nation as a result of her sins. Because Nigerians have turned their back against God, God have also allowed this Nation to pass through difficult times which cannot even be experienced by smaller countries. For as the soul that sinneth shall die so also the Nation that sinneth shall die. Ezekiel chapter 18 vs. 4 & 20, 27-28.
The sins of Nigeria is now 100% more than that of Sodom and Gomorrah that God destroyed. If not for the Christians – the people of God that are standing in the gap for this country, she would have been destroyed. 2 Chronicles chapter 7 vs. 14 and Ezekiel chapter 22 vs. 30. They are standing in the gap and watching the tower for their Nation. Ezekiel 3 vs. 17-19; Isaiah 21 vs. 6-12; Isaiah 62 vs. 6 and Jeremiah 6 vs. 17. So Nigeria, discover your errors and repent (Isaiah 62 vs. 1-8). For the Nation that prays must escape death, danger and destructions- Ezekiel 9 vs. 1-8. Because Christians in Nigeria are praying, all their wars- both internal and external are being diverted. For the devil planned to destroy this Nation before the appointed time that God will use this Nation to evangelize other Nations in Africa and the world. Even as God want to use Nigeria to evangelize Africa and great men of God have been raised for this Nation, so also God want to use Isoko to evangelize Nigeria. and God is busy raising men and women, boys and girls to be great in God`s Kingdom business to invade this Nation to take the Kingdom by force and to hand over this great Nation that Satan and his agents have destroyed and still destroying- back to God. So why turn this Nation upside down and inviting Satan and his demon to rule this country? 2 Thessalonians 2 vs. 7-17. Therefore flee from the sins that are besetting this Nation such as Adultery, Fornication, murder, assassination, hatred, hired killing, bribery and corruption, harlotry, idolatry, Robbery, Drug abuse, 419, Debts, perverting of justice, religious bigotry to mention but few and God will turn his anger away from this Nation and become His people if only we can repent. 2 Chronicles 7 vs. 14-16 and lastly Jeremiah 7 vs. 1-32.
I proposed to publish this message received from God that year in the Guardian or Vanguard newspapers or any journals either in Ughelli or Warri but I was financially handicapped as I was preparing to go on a voluntary retirement from the civil service as a classroom teacher and salaries were very meager compared to now. It was done on me on the 3rd of February 2004 to publish it but I could not either. On the 27th of August 2017 as I was preparing for Sunday service, the Lord took me to the piece of paper where I wrote it 20 years ago and summoned the courage to publish it so that Nigerians will know where we are coming from, where we are now and where we are going to as a Nation. The burden to publish this article came again on Wednesday 16th January 2019 while I sat down in my house about the above issue. This prompted me to call the Isoko Mirror Publisher on phone to urgently see me the next day to discuss how the message can be passed to Nigerians.
Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria – Repent – Jesus is coming soon.

I am Revd. Evang. P.O. Kagho-Omomadia Jp
The Body of Christ Intercessory Ministries Iyede,

Isoko North LGA, Delta State, Nigeria. 

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