Thursday 31 January 2019

EEU campaign trail Isoko …as Uduaghan consults, and he`s endorsed by Isoko nation and IDU leadership

Dr Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan, the immediate past Governor of Delta State and APC Senatorial Candidate, Delta South Senatorial District, today formally consulted with Isoko nation and leadership of Isoko Development Union (IDU), seeking support for his candidacy.

Chief Lucky Esigie, Isoko Nation APC Leader while presenting Uduaghan, stated, " we are here to present a candidate that reflects the wishes and aspirations of the constituents of Delta South for equity and capacity to perform and take the Senatorial District to the next level, considering his towering pedigree as a former Governor of the oil rich, yet highly marginalised".

Uduaghan in his own speech acknowledged with gratitude, " the warm reception of Isoko nation and people as reflected by the huge number of persons, present at the consultative visit. I am also gratified with the quality of well structured leadership and achievements of the current IDU board".

He further  stated that his aspiration and candidature premised on an issues based campaign, was timely, "as his wealth of experience as a former Chief Executive of Delta State exposed him to first hand knowledge of the challenges facing the oil District, which he promised to tackle if elected Senator via his championing bills; first in having community ownership of shares in oil companies, changing security architecture to community based contracts for securing oil facilities and pipelines, regular dialogue/town hall meeting as a feedback mechanism for getting inputs and desired bill formulation and right legislation". 

Uduaghan further promised proposing a bill for transforming illegal bunkering and refining of petroleum products into a legal and rightful business that will provide jobs for our teeming unemployed youths, and also formulation of laws to enhance environment protection and sustainable development of the oil rich Delta South Senatorial District through the right bills.

Chief Iduh Amaidhe, President General of Isoko Development Union (IDU), in his own response, stated that from Uduaghan's well articulated speech, all Isoko people who were already convinced about his political pedigree were left without an iota of doubt that he will make provide effective and results oriented representation as the next Senator. "We therefore wish to assure you of the unalloyed prayers and support of the Isoko ethnic group in ensuring that you get elected as their Senator come February 16".

Amaidhe enjoined Uduaghan to ensure that Isoko's social, political and economic development interests were protected, urging him to, " radically help the Isokos address the challenges of posed by increase in revenue accruing to the area from OML 30 oil prospecting and also the conversion of gas flares to boost chaotic nature of electricity supply in the area".

Uduaghan was later prayed for on behalf of Isoko nation for success and victory at the forthcoming polls".

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