Saturday 5 January 2019

Agwae donates food items/cash to orphanage homes.

By Kelvin Ohoror

The Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer,Sagwake Company Nigeria Limited, producers of  Gwake Table Water, Ozoro, Barr. Oghenero Andrew Agwae recently donates food items / cash to Aruka Peace Foundation International Orphanage Home and Deliverance Orphanage Home respectively 

Speaking to newsmen Barr. Agwae stated that his company’s policy of helping less privileged people during the  yuletide is to show love and make them feel the reason for the season .

Barr. Agwae, who is a lawyer by training, gave the explanation at Ozoro in Isoko North Local Government Area, Delta State, while giving out bags of rice, gallons of vegetable oil, cartons of noodles, packs of Gwake Table Water, cartons of tin tomatoes, toiletries and cash  to Deliverance Orphanage and Aruka Peace Foundation International Orphanage Homes , both in Ozoro respectively 

According to him, his company has been in operation for the past 12 years and have been giving to the less privileged in different orphanages in Ozoro, with plans of extending the gesture to orphanages outside Ozoro.

He disclosed that he learnt the culture of giving to the underprivileged from his family, hence the love for organizing Christmas and end of year bash for children of different orphanages.

While encouraging children to be well behaved, he opined that most crime in the society today are caused by parents who are not well brought up.

Meanwhile in a brief sermon title 'The Grateful and the Ungrateful' which was taking from Luke chapter 17 vs 17 by Pastor Wale Bankole of the Redeemed Christian Church  of God stated that for the grateful every end of the year there is need to thank God Almighty ,noting that what Sagwake company Nig Ltd producer of Gwake table water is doing today is Thanksgiving to God. 

Pastor Bankole also said that the grateful always lift their voices to praise God Almighty while the ungrateful will not bother, the grateful could see what the Lord has done but the ungrateful concentrate on what God has not done. 

Pastor Bankole reiterated that the grateful make u-turn occasionally because they know what the Lord has done while the ungrateful just go about their business. 

He further pointed out that Christians must endeavor to come before the Lord with their substance whenever their giving thanks to God Almighty,he stated.  

Meanwhile Christiana Onitsha and Akpojaro Darlington, who responded on behalf of Deliverance Orphanage and Aruka Peace Foundation respectively, warmly show appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Agwae and his company, Sagwake Nig Ltd for the kind gesture and appealed to other people with good will to emulate him.

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