Friday 4 January 2019

ICDU Organized Youth Orientation Talk:Taking Control of your Future ----To Open Idheze Community Library /Entrepreneurship Skills Resources Centre

By Kelvin Ohoror 

In a bid to transformed the youths who are seen as the leaders of tomorrow to have a sound and developed mindset with appropriate competences, skills  and abilities,the Idheze Community Development Union recently organized youth orientation talk with a theme:Taking Control of your Future. 

The event that was organised by the newly elected president general of the community Mr. Goddy Egene held at the community town hall, Idheze-Irri, Isoko South local government area, Delta State. 

Speaking to newsmen the president general of the community asserted that, when I was coming on board in October this year I told  the people of Idheze community to have a change of mind and focus on the development of the community. 

Mr. Egene reiterate that, for us to ensure the development of the community we must harness the resources of the community, noting that the greatest resources you can think of are the people of the community especially the youths they form the fulcrum of the community moving forward and they are the people growing to become the leaders of tomorrow. 
Mr. Egene also stated that immediately he came on board he asked himself how can he develop and change the mindset of the youths because whether you like it or not,most of the youths has be misled because of ignorance or things happening around them. The only thing he can do is to give them orientation and change their mindset and focus. 

He disclosed that, he sees the programme as viable tools to empower the youths of the community in order to curb youths restiveness, noting that they have youths who are educated while some are not educated, others don't see themselves getting educated but there are some who want to develop their skills.
God so kind some sons of the community have decided to support this initiative by agreeing to pay the fees of those who are going to acquire various skills .Some students’ enrollment fees for WAEC and NECO were also paid. 

He further said that, if the programme is sustain for the next ten years the  community youths will become great leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators that will become the shining light of Idheze-Irri community, Isoko, Delta, Nigeria and beyond, he stated. 

Dr. Amos Obi a resource person who delivered the first lecture on "Taking Control of your Future" said history has being made as a result of the event, noting that there is no doubt the event is the need for the future developments of the youths in the community. 

Dr. Obi during his lecture asserted that "And for a man to live in poverty when right in his door step is gold, it indicates an unintelligent approach to life". According to him if the International, National, State and Local Governments fail you, you must never allow the most original, powerful  and resilient Self-government to fail  you. 

Dr. Obi however reiterate that, self-government is your own self decision and action that could make or mare your present and future, noting that, today, self-made millionaires are the new order of our world. China as a good example whom we are told are producing Ten Young Millionaires from the digital and social technologies every 30 days.

He also pointed out that, the Idheze community and people have waited and waited for the other four levels of government without  the needed help, saying that, how long will our people will continue to wait and wait until all our people die of poverty, hunger and malnultrition  before we do something for ourselves, he lamented. 

He also stated that,for you to be counted among the best,make it to the top and separated  from the crowd you need to discover yourself because your brain is gold mine yet to be tapped.

He also added that,they must also discover and harness nature, pointing out that around us there are resources that could explode you from a local champion to a global solution provider.They must also have an idea and develop skills which is the only way to dominate but not by other fake and dubious means. 

Dr. Obi also enjoined the youths to be addicted to reading, studying and meditation, the best study formula that has helped so many people to excel academically. 

He also recommended the need for Idheze Community Library and Entrepreneurship Skills Resources Centre with books to kick start the Library, expertise and skills to train and mentor digital and social entrepreneurs with contacts to seek local and international partnership. 

Another keynote speaker during the event Mr. Etemu Osu said that the theme of the programme Taking Control of your Future but many of the youths today if you asked them what they want to become in the future they will tell you but they don't know how to get there.

Mr. Osu stated that the Idheze Community started getting people who left secondary school in the 50's and subsequently in the 60's some people started graduating from the University, noting that Idheze Community is a small community, meaning that civilization must first come to Emevor,Ozoro,Iyede who are on the road side. 

But despite this shortcoming of not being the most civilized community Idheze has produced an Ambassador, top Military officers, top Executives Directors in international oil companies and top Civil servants and most of them from Idheze primary school, noting that the youths can become any of those persons mentioned. 

He however lamented that, today we don't have people getting to that heights  because people have some certain reasons not to push themselves to the greatest heights.Saying that,he will not blame them because Isoko have their cultural values which will call our traditional yokes as a reason to justify for not pushing themselves .

He further said that,one of this yokes is that there are witches and wizards in our family, that no matter what we do,no good thing can will come out from it, but this is not enough to hold you captives.It is only you that hold yourself captives not witches and wizards. 

Mr.Osu also reiterate that,another thing holding people captives is the believe that God has already bless some certain persons that even if they don't do anything thing they will still prosper.Another thing is there is nobody to help us,noting that he was expose to all these things but he refused to be held captives. 

Mr. Osu further said that, it is through reading that your mind open up to ideas.If you are reading books your mind mind will be opening into the whole world,in those days we used to read and compete for reading of novels because it is only reading that can help you to develop your mind. 

Mr. Osu however promises to donate reading materials such as novels to the Idheze community library."I will set a price with incentives for three categories 1st, 2nd, 3rd, both junior and senior secondary school. I will also set up debate competition, quiz, essay writing and I hope the incentives will encourage them to read".

Meanwhile a prominent son of the community Mr. Blessing Okpowo also made a promise during the event that those who are interested in acquiring skill acquisition in Tiling,Plumbing,Fashion Design/Interior Decorations should indicate interest by writing down their names with the community president general. 

Mr. Okpowo also a made promise of paying the enrollment fees of 10 secondary school students from the community. 

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